Booking a Consultation

Kia ora!

This is our video library where you can click, rent and watch topics about Home Ownership, Whenua Māori and financial book readings.

Since 2016 Indigenuity Limited (Indigify) has been sharing home ownership and Whenua Māori content via social media. In that time we have slowly but surely started to refine what content whānau need access to most often, and these are now being added to a video library.

Inez was inspired to share in this way after years of valuing & consulting in property and realising that the people who need the advice can't afford the advice or don't even know that they need it in the first place. 

You can't get any more readily available or affordable than this mode of knowledge transfer. Please make use of it.

How do you get started?

It is a TWO STEP process with a cost structure of $79USD for the video preparation, followed by the cost of a consultation.


As a condition of booking a consultation, please choose one of these options as your preparation video series:

  • For Homeownership Consultation please click and pay HERE at $79USD
  • For Whenua Māori Consultation please click and pay HERE at $79USD


Select an appointment time once you have watched relevant videos from the library you selected in Step 1


This is what it looks like!

WhatuKāinga - Home Ownership from Indigenuity on Vimeo.

How do you rent a video or series?

Each video or series has a trailer that you can watch (free) to get an idea of what it is about. Here is the difference between the different types:

  • Tutorials - these are webinar style videos of between 30 mins to an hour. Possibly even more than one video. These have higher charges because they are instructional, include more detailed information (such as personal or financial details) to make it easier for you to learn. Tutorials may even include the ability to ask questions and get a response
  • Courses - a series of videos on a topic such as Home Ownership, Whenua Māori, AirBnb. Each video in the series is available to rent for a fee and a limited time frame
  • Book Readings - we have financial and development books available from time to time. Not everyone can afford a book, we may run out of stock or you may hate to read. We will read it to you along with the reader's reflections and own experience
  • Other video library groups - the topic will be defined and the trailer video will explain the nature of the videos

You will see to the top right hand corner of the video trailer, the cost of each video in the series. Click on the link to go to the list of episodes