Valuation - Indigenous Data Sovereignty Charter

Indigenous Data Sovereignty

Indigenuity Limited have adopted Te Mana Raraunga Charter that outlines the key ideals that underpin advocacy and capacity building initiatives for Indigenous people, Māori in Aotearoa.

  • Data is a living tāonga and is of strategic value to Māori.

  • Māori data refers to data produced by Māori or that is about Māori and the environments we have relationships with.

  • Māori data is subject to the rights articulated in the Treaty of Waitangi and the UN’s Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples, to which Aotearoa New Zealand is a signatory.

The purpose of Te Mana Raraunga is to enable Māori Data Sovereignty and to advance Māori aspirations for collective and individual wellbeing by:

  1. Asserting Māori rights and interests in relation to data  
  2. Ensuring data for and about Māori can be safeguarded and protected
  3. Requiring the quality and integrity of Maori data and its collection
  4. Advocating for Māori involvement in the governance of data repositories
  5. Supporting the development of Māori data infrastructure and security systems
  6. Supporting the development of sustainable Māori digital businesses and innovations

To see the full Charter please follow this link HERE


Āhau - 

Indigenuity Limited uses ĀHAU to store your sensitive indigenous data. Āhau is a Whānau Data Platform that helps whānau-based communities (whānau, hapū, Iwi) capture, preserve, and share important information and histories into secure, whānau managed databases and servers. 

All data is collected, stored and shared using your own personal devices and your whānau connections. Indigenuity Limited holds access to this storage in order to comply with the New Zealand Institute of Valuers Rules and Code of Ethics.

What does this mean in practical terms?

1. Data rights and interests

a. If the origin of data/information collected from clients is specifically from their Iwi, hapū, marae or whānau, we will first seek permission to use this data/information in our reports. Examples of this are:

  • Detailed photographs of your whakairo tupuna that would enable replication
  • Detailed photographs of your tukutuku, kowhaiwhai that would enable replication
  • Detailed descriptions or stories of ancestral stories, whānau, whakapapa (geneology)
  • Video or audio recordings of pūrakau & whakapapa provided to your valuer

b. If the origin of data is generic in origin or does not specifically identify your sensitive information, then we will use and store the information on the valuation cloud based system. A cloud based system is secure and only available on devices approved by the valuation company. The servers are managed and held by a private company. Examples of data generic in origin are:

  • Photographs showing external buildings, internal buildings, tāonga and artwork in general.
  • Measurements
  • Construction materials
  • Age, renovations

c. Commentary regarding the techniques used in the creation of the tāonga will be included in the report in order to advise your report recipient of intricacy, replication cost and 'value'.

2. Data governance

If you prefer to have your tāonga (data/information) stored privately, we will use images that are wide focused and do not show enough detail to replicate any of the tāonga.

We do need to use some images to show that we have in fact inspected the property, then to provide enough detail to your insurer/report recipient. To protect your data/information:

  • The detailed data can be stored in a block-chain pātaka that will be held by Indigenuity Limited with Inez White as Kaitiaki. A direct link to this pātaka will be shared with our client (Marae owners/Committee/Trust/Iwi, hapū
  • A water mark can be placed over the images to indicate the owners interest and rights, to prevent your images being used for marketing without permission.
  • You have the permissions to share your pātaka data with whom ever you wish. 
  • The valuer only stores this data to ensure you have a copy